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LastFM Asia Social Network

Dataset information

A social network of LastFM users which was collected from the public API in March 2020. Nodes are LastFM users from Asian countries and edges are mutual follower relationships between them. The vertex features are extracted based on the artists liked by the users. The task related to the graph is multinomial node classification - one has to predict the location of users. This target feature was derived from the country field for each user.

FEATHER paper:
FEATHER project: Github

Dataset statistics
Directed No.
Node features Yes.
Edge features No.
Node labels Yes. Multi class.
Temporal No.
Nodes 7,624
Edges 27,806
Density 0.001
Transitvity 0.179

Possible tasks
Multionomial node classification
Link prediction
Community detection
Network visualization

Source (citation)

  • B. Rozemberczki and R. Sarkar. Characteristic Functions on Graphs: Birds of a Feather, from Statistical Descriptors to Parametric Models. 2020.
  •           @inproceedings{feather,
                title={{Characteristic Functions on Graphs: Birds of a Feather, from Statistical Descriptors to Parametric Models}},
                author={Benedek Rozemberczki and Rik Sarkar},
                pages = {1325–1334},
                booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '20)},


    File Description LastFM Asia Social Network