SNAP Library , User Reference
2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
CRef | TWebPg | [private] |
FetchMSecs | TWebPg | [private] |
GetFetchMSecs() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetHttpBodyAsStr() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetHttpHdStr() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetHttpResp() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetIpNum(const int &IpN=-1) const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetIps() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetOutDescUrlStrKdV(TStrKdV &OutDescUrlStrKdV) const | TWebPg | |
GetOutUrlV(TUrlV &OutUrlV, TUrlV &OutRedirUrlV) const | TWebPg | |
GetOutUrlV(TUrlV &OutUrlV) const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetUrl(const int &UrlN=-1) const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetUrls() const | TWebPg | [inline] |
GetUrlStr(const int &UrlN=-1) const | TWebPg | [inline] |
HttpResp | TWebPg | [private] |
IpNumV | TWebPg | [private] |
IsTxt() const | TWebPg | |
Load(TSIn &) | TWebPg | [inline, static] |
New(const TStrV &UrlStrV, const TStrV &IpNumV, const PHttpResp &HttpResp) | TWebPg | [inline, static] |
New(const TStrV &UrlStrV, const PHttpResp &HttpResp) | TWebPg | [inline, static] |
New(const TStr &UrlStr, const PHttpResp &HttpResp) | TWebPg | [inline, static] |
operator=(const TWebPg &) | TWebPg | [inline] |
PutFetchMSecs(const uint64 &_FetchMSecs) | TWebPg | [inline] |
Save(TSOut &) | TWebPg | [inline] |
SaveAsHttp(const TStr &FNm) const | TWebPg | |
SaveAsHttpBody(const TStr &FNm) const | TWebPg | |
TPt< TWebPg > class | TWebPg | [friend] |
TWebPg() | TWebPg | [inline] |
TWebPg(const TStrV &_UrlStrV, const TStrV &_IpNumV, const PHttpResp &_HttpResp) | TWebPg | [inline] |
TWebPg(TSIn &) | TWebPg | [inline] |
UrlStrV | TWebPg | [private] |
~TWebPg() | TWebPg | [inline] |