SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00004 // Forward
00005 class TILx;
00006 class TOLx;
00007 class TTm;
00010 // Time-Units (round time to one of the buckets)
00011 typedef enum {
00012   tmuUndef, tmu1Sec, tmu1Min, tmu10Min, tmu15Min, tmu30Min,
00013   tmu1Hour, tmu2Hour, tmu4Hour, tmu6Hour, tmu12Hour, tmuDay, tmuWeek, // Sunday is the start of the week
00014   tmuMonth, tmuYear, tmuNodes, tmuEdges
00015   // wrap around time
00016   // tmuWrapHour, tmuWrapDay, tmuWrapWeek, tmuWrapMonth, tmuWrapYear
00017 } TTmUnit;
00020 // Time-Info
00021 class TTmInfo{
00022 private:
00023   static bool InitP;
00024   static TStrV UsMonthNmV;
00025   static TStrV SiMonthNmV;
00026   static TStrV UsDayOfWeekNmV;
00027   static TStrV SiDayOfWeekNmV;
00028   static void InitMonthNmV();
00029   static void InitDayOfWeekNmV();
00030   static void EnsureInit(){
00031     if (!InitP){InitMonthNmV(); InitDayOfWeekNmV(); InitP=true;}}
00032 public:
00033   static int GetMonthN(const TStr& MonthNm, const TLoc& Loc=lUs);
00034   static bool IsMonthNm(const TStr& MonthNm, const TLoc& Loc=lUs){
00035     return GetMonthN(MonthNm, Loc)!=-1;}
00036   static TStr GetMonthNm(const int& MonthN, const TLoc& Loc=lUs);
00037   static int GetDayOfWeekN(const TStr& DayOfWeekNm, const TLoc& Loc=lUs);
00038   static bool IsDayOfWeekNm(const TStr& DayOfWeekNm, const TLoc& Loc=lUs){
00039     return GetDayOfWeekN(DayOfWeekNm, Loc)!=-1;}
00040   static TStr GetDayOfWeekNm(const int& DayOfWeekN, const TLoc& Loc=lUs);
00041   static TStr GetHmFromMins(const int& Mins);
00042   static int GetTmUnitSecs(const TTmUnit& TmUnit);
00043   static TStr GetTmUnitStr(const TTmUnit& TmUnit);
00044   static TStr GetTmZoneDiffStr(const TStr& TmZoneStr);
00046   // day-of-week numbers
00047   static const int SunN; static const int MonN;
00048   static const int TueN; static const int WedN;
00049   static const int ThuN; static const int FriN;
00050   static const int SatN;
00052   // month numbers
00053   static const int JanN; static const int FebN;
00054   static const int MarN; static const int AprN;
00055   static const int MayN; static const int JunN;
00056   static const int JulN; static const int AugN;
00057   static const int SepN; static const int OctN;
00058   static const int NovN; static const int DecN;
00060   // time duration (msecs)
00061   static uint64 GetMinMSecs(){return 60*1000;}
00062   static uint64 GetHourMSecs(){return 60*60*1000;}
00063   static uint64 GetDayMSecs(){return 24*60*60*1000;}
00064   static uint64 GetWeekMSecs(){return 7*24*60*60*1000;}
00065 };
00068 // Julian-Dates
00069 class TJulianDate{
00070 public:
00071   static int LastJulianDate; /* last day to use Julian calendar */
00072   static int LastJulianDateN; /* jdn of same */
00073   static int GetJulianDateN(int d, int m, int y);
00074   static void GetCalendarDate(int jdn, int& dd, int& mm, int& yy);
00075 };
00078 // Seconds-Time
00079 // NOTE: Time origin is relative to time zone. Regardless of computer time
00080 // zone second 0 maps to "Jan 1 1970 00:00" (so time zone information is lost)
00081 class TSecTm {
00082 private:
00083   TUInt AbsSecs; // pretend that local time zone is UTC
00084 private:
00085   // functions that interact with C time functions (time.h)
00086   static bool GetTmSec(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN,
00087    const int& HourN, const int& MinN, const int& SecN, uint& AbsSec);
00088   static bool GetTmSec(struct tm& Tm, uint& AbsSec);
00089   static bool GetTmStruct(const uint& AbsSec, struct tm& Tm);
00090   static time_t MkGmTime(struct tm *t); // implementation of _mkgmtime
00091 public:
00092   TSecTm(): AbsSecs(TUInt::Mx){}
00093   explicit TSecTm(const uint& _AbsSecs): AbsSecs(_AbsSecs){}
00094   operator uint() const {return AbsSecs.Val;}
00095   TSecTm(const TSecTm& SecTm): AbsSecs(SecTm.AbsSecs){}
00096   TSecTm(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN,
00097    const int& HourN=0, const int& MinN=0, const int& SecN=0);
00098   TSecTm(const TTm& Tm);
00099   explicit TSecTm(const PXmlTok& XmlTok);
00100   PXmlTok GetXmlTok() const;
00101   TSecTm(TSIn& SIn): AbsSecs(SIn){}
00102   void Load(TSIn& SIn){AbsSecs.Load(SIn);}
00103   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {AbsSecs.Save(SOut);}
00105   TSecTm& operator=(const TSecTm& SecTm){
00106     AbsSecs=SecTm.AbsSecs; return *this;}
00107   TSecTm& operator=(const uint& _AbsSecs){
00108     AbsSecs=_AbsSecs; return *this;}
00109   TSecTm& operator+=(const uint& Secs){
00110     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs()+=Secs; return *this;}
00111   TSecTm& operator-=(const uint& Secs){
00112     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs()-=Secs; return *this;}
00113   bool operator==(const TSecTm& SecTm) const {
00114     return AbsSecs==SecTm.AbsSecs;}
00115   bool operator<(const TSecTm& SecTm) const {
00116     IAssert(IsDef()&&SecTm.IsDef()); return AbsSecs<SecTm.AbsSecs;}
00117   int GetMemUsed() const {return AbsSecs.GetMemUsed();}
00119   int GetPrimHashCd() const {return AbsSecs.GetPrimHashCd();}
00120   int GetSecHashCd() const {return AbsSecs.GetSecHashCd();}
00122   // definition
00123   bool IsDef() const {return uint(AbsSecs)!=TUInt::Mx;}
00124   void Undef(){AbsSecs=TUInt::Mx;}
00126   // string retrieval
00127   TStr GetStr(const TLoc& Loc=lUs) const;
00128   TStr GetStr(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const;
00129   TStr GetDtStr(const TLoc& Loc=lUs) const;
00130   TStr GetDtMdyStr() const;
00131   TStr GetDtYmdStr() const;
00132   TStr GetYmdTmStr() const; // returns "y-m-d h:m:s"
00133   TStr GetTmStr() const;
00134   TStr GetTmMinStr() const;
00135   TStr GetDtTmSortStr() const;
00136   TStr GetDtTmSortFNmStr() const;
00138   // component retrieval
00139   int GetYearN() const;
00140   int GetMonthN() const;
00141   TStr GetMonthNm(const TLoc& Loc=lUs) const;
00142   int GetDayN() const;
00143   int GetDayOfWeekN() const;
00144   TStr GetDayOfWeekNm(const TLoc& Loc=lUs) const;
00145   int GetHourN() const;
00146   int GetMinN() const;
00147   int GetSecN() const;
00148   void GetComps(int& Year, int& Month, int& Day, int& Hour, int& Min, int& Sec) const;
00149   uint GetAbsSecs() const {return AbsSecs();}
00150   TSecTm Round(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const;
00151   uint GetInUnits(const TTmUnit& TmUnit) const;
00152   TStr GetDayPart() const;
00154   // additions/substractions
00155   TSecTm& AddSecs(const int& Secs){
00156     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val+=uint(Secs); return *this;}
00157   TSecTm& SubSecs(const int& Secs){
00158     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val-=uint(Secs); return *this;}
00159   TSecTm& AddMins(const int& Mins){
00160     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val+=uint(Mins*60); return *this;}
00161   TSecTm& SubMins(const int& Mins){
00162     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val-=uint(Mins*60); return *this;}
00163   TSecTm& AddHours(const int& Hours){
00164     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val+=uint(Hours*3600); return *this;}
00165   TSecTm& SubHours(const int& Hours){
00166     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val-=uint(Hours*3600); return *this;}
00167   TSecTm& AddDays(const int& Days){
00168     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val+=uint(Days*24*3600); return *this;}
00169   TSecTm& SubDays(const int& Days){
00170     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val-=uint(Days*24*3600); return *this;}
00171   TSecTm& AddWeeks(const int& Weeks){
00172     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val+=uint(Weeks*7*24*3600); return *this;}
00173   TSecTm& SubWeeks(const int& Weeks){
00174     IAssert(IsDef()); AbsSecs.Val-=uint(Weeks*7*24*3600); return *this;}
00175   static uint GetDSecs(const TSecTm& SecTm1, const TSecTm& SecTm2);
00176   /*friend TSecTm operator+(const TSecTm& SecTm, const uint& Secs){
00177     return TSecTm(SecTm)+=Secs;}
00178   friend TSecTm operator-(const TSecTm& SecTm, const uint& Secs){
00179     return TSecTm(SecTm)-=Secs;}
00180   friend TSecTm operator+(const TSecTm& SecTm1, const TSecTm& SecTm2){
00181     return TSecTm(SecTm1)+=SecTm2.AbsSecs;}
00182   friend TSecTm operator-(const TSecTm& SecTm1, const TSecTm& SecTm2){
00183     return TSecTm(SecTm1)-=SecTm2.AbsSecs;}*/
00185   // time construction
00186   static TSecTm GetZeroTm(){return TSecTm(0).AddHours(23);}
00187   static TSecTm GetZeroWeekTm();
00188   static TSecTm GetCurTm();
00189   static TSecTm GetCurDtTm(){return GetDtTm(GetCurTm());}
00190   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromHmsStr(const TStr& HmsStr);
00191   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromMdyStr(const TStr& MdyStr);
00192   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromDmyStr(const TStr& DmyStr);
00193   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromMdyHmsPmStr(const TStr& MdyHmsPmStr,
00194    const char& DateSepCh='/', const char& TimeSepCh=':');
00195   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromYmdHmsStr(const TStr& YmdHmsPmStr,
00196    const char& DateSepCh='-', const char& TimeSepCh=':');
00197   static TSecTm GetDtTmFromStr(const TChA& YmdHmsPmStr, const int& YearId=0, const int& MonId=1,
00198     const int& DayId=2, const int& HourId=3, const int& MinId=4, const int& SecId=5);
00199   static TSecTm GetDtTm(const int& YearN, const int& MonthN, const int& DayN);
00200   static TSecTm GetDtTm(const TSecTm& Tm);
00202   // text load/save
00203   static TSecTm LoadTxt(TILx& Lx);
00204   void SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx) const;
00205 };
00206 typedef TVec<TSecTm> TSecTmV;
00207 typedef TKeyDat<TSecTm, TStr> TSecTmStrKd;
00208 typedef TVec<TSecTmStrKd> TSecTmStrKdV;
00211 // Time
00212 class TTm{
00213 private:
00214   TInt Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek;
00215   TInt Hour, Min, Sec, MSec;
00216 public:
00217   TTm():
00218     Year(-1), Month(-1), Day(-1), DayOfWeek(-1),
00219     Hour(-1), Min(-1), Sec(-1), MSec(-1){}
00220   TTm(const TTm& Tm):
00221     Year(Tm.Year), Month(Tm.Month), Day(Tm.Day), DayOfWeek(Tm.DayOfWeek),
00222     Hour(Tm.Hour), Min(Tm.Min), Sec(Tm.Sec), MSec(Tm.MSec){}
00223   TTm(
00224    const int& _Year, const int& _Month, const int& _Day, const int& _DayOfWeek=-1,
00225    const int& _Hour=0, const int& _Min=0, const int& _Sec=0, const int& _MSec=0):
00226     Year(_Year), Month(_Month), Day(_Day), DayOfWeek(_DayOfWeek),
00227     Hour(_Hour), Min(_Min), Sec(_Sec), MSec(_MSec){}
00228   TTm(const TSecTm& SecTm):
00229     Year(SecTm.GetYearN()), Month(SecTm.GetMonthN()), Day(SecTm.GetDayN()),
00230     DayOfWeek(SecTm.GetDayOfWeekN()), Hour(SecTm.GetHourN()),
00231     Min(SecTm.GetMinN()), Sec(SecTm.GetSecN()), MSec(0){}
00232   ~TTm(){}
00233   TTm(TSIn& SIn):
00234     Year(SIn), Month(SIn), Day(SIn), DayOfWeek(SIn),
00235     Hour(SIn), Min(SIn), Sec(SIn), MSec(SIn){}
00236   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {
00237     Year.Save(SOut); Month.Save(SOut); Day.Save(SOut); DayOfWeek.Save(SOut);
00238     Hour.Save(SOut); Min.Save(SOut); Sec.Save(SOut); MSec.Save(SOut);}
00240   TTm& operator=(const TTm& Tm){
00241     Year=Tm.Year; Month=Tm.Month; Day=Tm.Day; DayOfWeek=Tm.DayOfWeek;
00242     Hour=Tm.Hour; Min=Tm.Min; Sec=Tm.Sec; MSec=Tm.MSec;
00243     return *this;}
00244   bool operator==(const TTm& Tm) const {
00245     return
00246      (Year==Tm.Year)&&(Month==Tm.Month)&&(Day==Tm.Day)&&
00247      (Hour==Tm.Hour)&&(Min==Tm.Min)&&(Sec==Tm.Sec)&&(MSec==Tm.MSec);}
00248   bool operator<(const TTm& Tm) const {
00249     return
00250      (Year<Tm.Year)||
00251      ((Year==Tm.Year)&&(Month<Tm.Month))||
00252      ((Year==Tm.Year)&&(Month==Tm.Month)&&(Day<Tm.Day))||
00253      (((Year==Tm.Year)&&(Month==Tm.Month)&&(Day==Tm.Day))&&(
00254       (Hour<Tm.Hour)||
00255       ((Hour==Tm.Hour)&&(Min<Tm.Min))||
00256       ((Hour==Tm.Hour)&&(Min==Tm.Min)&&(Sec<Tm.Sec))||
00257       ((Hour==Tm.Hour)&&(Min==Tm.Min)&&(Sec==Tm.Sec)&&(MSec<Tm.MSec))));} // saxo
00258   int GetMemUsed() const {return sizeof(TTm);}
00260   int GetPrimHashCd() const {return Year*Month*Day+Hour*Min*Sec*MSec;}
00261   int GetSecHashCd() const {return Year*Month*Day;}
00263   // defined
00264   bool IsDef() const {
00265    return (Year!=-1)&&(Month!=-1)&&(Day!=-1)&&
00266     (Hour!=-1)&&(Min!=-1)&&(Sec!=-1)&&(MSec!=-1);}
00267   void Undef(){
00268     Year=-1; Month=-1; Day=-1; DayOfWeek=-1;
00269     Hour=-1; Min=-1; Sec=-1; MSec=-1;}
00270   // check if time is defined
00271   bool IsTimeDef() const { return !(Hour==0 && Min==0 && Sec==0 && MSec==0); }
00273   // get components
00274   int GetYear() const {return Year;}
00275   int GetMonth() const {return Month;}
00276   TStr GetMonthNm() const {return TTmInfo::GetMonthNm(Month);}
00277   int GetDay() const {return Day;}
00278   int GetDayOfWeek() const {return DayOfWeek;}
00279   TStr GetDayOfWeekNm() const {return TTmInfo::GetDayOfWeekNm(DayOfWeek);}
00280   int GetHour() const {return Hour;}
00281   int GetMin() const {return Min;}
00282   int GetSec() const {return Sec;}
00283   int GetMSec() const {return MSec;}
00285   // time string formats
00286   TStr GetStr(const bool& MSecP=true) const;
00287   TStr GetYMDDashStr() const;
00288   TStr GetHMSTColonDotStr(const bool& FullP=false, const bool& MSecP=true) const;
00289   TStr GetWebLogDateStr() const {return GetYMDDashStr();}
00290   TStr GetWebLogTimeStr() const {return GetHMSTColonDotStr(false);}
00291   TStr GetWebLogDateTimeStr(const bool& FullP=false, const TStr& DateTimeSepCh=" ", const bool& MSecP=true) const {
00292     return GetYMDDashStr()+DateTimeSepCh+GetHMSTColonDotStr(FullP, MSecP);}
00293   TStr GetIdStr() const;
00294   TSecTm GetSecTm() const {
00295     return TSecTm(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec);}
00297   // calculation
00298   void AddTime(const int& Hours, const int& Mins=0, const int& Secs=0, const int& MSecs=0);
00299   void AddDays(const int& Days){AddTime(Days*24);}
00300   void SubTime(const int& Hours, const int& Mins=0, const int& Secs=0, const int& MSecs=0);
00301   void SubDays(const int& Days){SubTime(Days*24);}
00303   // static functions
00304   static TTm GetCurUniTm();
00305   static TTm GetUniqueCurUniTm();
00306   static TTm GetUniqueCurUniTm(const int& UniqueSpaces, const int& UniqueSpaceN);
00307   static TTm GetCurLocTm();
00308   static uint64 GetCurUniMSecs();
00309   static uint64 GetCurLocMSecs();
00310   static uint64 GetMSecsFromTm(const TTm& Tm);
00311   static TTm GetTmFromMSecs(const uint64& MSecs);
00312   static uint GetMSecsFromOsStart();
00313   static uint64 GetPerfTimerFq();
00314   static uint64 GetPerfTimerTicks();
00315   static void GetDiff(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2, int& Days, 
00316           int& Hours, int& Mins, int& Secs, int& MSecs);
00317   static uint64 GetDiffMSecs(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2);
00318   static uint64 GetDiffSecs(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2){
00319         return GetDiffMSecs(Tm1, Tm2)/uint64(1000);}
00320   static uint64 GetDiffMins(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2){
00321         return GetDiffMSecs(Tm1, Tm2)/uint64(1000*60);}
00322   static uint64 GetDiffHrs(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2){
00323         return GetDiffMSecs(Tm1, Tm2)/uint64(1000*60*60);}
00324   static uint64 GetDiffDays(const TTm& Tm1, const TTm& Tm2){
00325     return GetDiffMSecs(Tm1, Tm2)/uint64(1000*60*60*24);}
00326   static TTm GetLocTmFromUniTm(const TTm& Tm);
00327   static TTm GetUniTmFromLocTm(const TTm& Tm);
00328   static TTm GetTmFromWebLogTimeStr(const TStr& TimeStr,
00329    const char TimeSepCh=':', const char MSecSepCh='.');
00330   static TTm GetTmFromWebLogDateTimeStr(const TStr& DateTimeStr,
00331    const char DateSepCh='-', const char TimeSepCh=':', 
00332    const char MSecSepCh='.', const char DateTimeSepCh=' ');
00333   static TTm GetTmFromIdStr(const TStr& IdStr);
00335   // unique sortable 32-bit integer from date and time (TTmDateTime)
00336   static uint GetDateTimeInt(const int& Year = 0, const int& Month = 1, 
00337     const int& Day = 1, const int& Hour = 0, const int& Min = 0,
00338         const int& Sec = 0);   
00339   static uint GetDateIntFromTm(const TTm& Tm);   
00340   static uint GetMonthIntFromTm(const TTm& Tm);
00341   static uint GetYearIntFromTm(const TTm& Tm);
00342   static uint GetDateTimeIntFromTm(const TTm& Tm);   
00343   static TTm GetTmFromDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt);
00344   static TSecTm GetSecTmFromDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt);
00345   static uint KeepMonthInDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt);
00346   static uint KeepDayInDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt);
00347   static uint KeepHourInDateTimeInt(const uint& DateTimeInt);
00348 };
00349 typedef TVec<TTm> TTmV;
00350 typedef TPair<TTm, TStr> TTmStrPr;
00351 typedef TPair<TStr, TTm> TStrTmPr;
00352 typedef TVec<TTmStrPr> TTmStrPrV;
00353 typedef TVec<TStrTmPr> TStrTmPrV;
00356 // Execution-Time
00357 class TExeTm{
00358 private:
00359   int LastTick;
00360 public:
00361   TExeTm(): LastTick(0) { Tick(); }
00362   TExeTm(const TExeTm& Tm): LastTick(Tm.LastTick) { }
00363   TExeTm& operator=(const TExeTm& Tm){
00364     LastTick=Tm.LastTick; return *this;}
00366   void Tick(){LastTick=(int)clock();}
00367   int GetTime() const {return int(clock()-LastTick);}
00368   double GetSecs() const {return double(clock()-LastTick)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);}
00369   int GetSecInt() { return TFlt::Round(GetSecs()); }
00370   const char* GetStr() const {return GetTmStr();}
00371   TStr GetStr2() const {return GetTmStr();}
00372   const char* GetTmStr() const { static char TmStr[32];
00373     if (GetSecs() < 60) { sprintf(TmStr, "%.2fs", GetSecs()); }
00374     else if (GetSecs() < 3600) { sprintf(TmStr, "%02dm%02ds", int(GetSecs())/60, int(GetSecs())%60); }
00375     else { sprintf(TmStr, "%02dh%02dm", int(GetSecs())/3600, (int(GetSecs())%3600)/60); }  return TmStr; }
00376   static char* GetCurTm(){ static TStr TmStr; TmStr=TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr(); return TmStr.CStr(); }
00377 };
00380 // Time-Stop-Watch
00381 class TTmStopWatch {
00382 private:
00383     int TmSoFar;
00384     bool RunningP;
00385     TExeTm ExeTm;
00386 public:
00387     TTmStopWatch(const bool& Start = false): TmSoFar(0), RunningP(Start) { }
00389     void Start() { if (!RunningP) { RunningP = true; ExeTm.Tick(); } }
00390     void Stop() { if (RunningP) { RunningP = false; TmSoFar += ExeTm.GetTime(); } }
00391     void Reset(const bool& Start) { TmSoFar = 0; RunningP = Start; ExeTm.Tick(); }
00393     int GetTime() const { return TmSoFar + (RunningP ? ExeTm.GetTime() : 0); }
00394     double GetSec() const { return double(GetTime()) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); }
00395     int GetSecInt() const { return TFlt::Round(GetSec()); }
00396     double GetMSec() const { return double(GetTime()) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000); }
00397     int GetMSecInt() const { return TFlt::Round(GetMSec()); }
00398 };
00401 // Time-Profiler - poor-man's profiler
00402 ClassTP(TTmProfiler, PTmProfiler)//{
00403 private:
00404         TInt MxNmLen;
00405         THash<TStr, TTmStopWatch> TimerH;
00407 public:
00408         TTmProfiler() { }
00409         static PTmProfiler New() { return new TTmProfiler; }
00411         int AddTimer(const TStr& TimerNm);
00412         int GetTimerId(const TStr& TimerNm) const { return TimerH.GetKeyId(TimerNm); }
00413     TStr GetTimerNm(const int& TimerId) const { return TimerH.GetKey(TimerId); }
00414         int GetTimers() const { return TimerH.Len(); }
00415         int GetTimerIdFFirst() const { return TimerH.FFirstKeyId(); }
00416         bool GetTimerIdFNext(int& TimerId) const { return TimerH.FNextKeyId(TimerId); }
00417         // starts counting
00418         void StartTimer(const TStr& TimerNm) { TimerH.GetDat(TimerNm).Start(); }
00419         void StartTimer(const int& TimerId) { TimerH[TimerId].Start(); }
00420         // stops counting
00421         void StopTimer(const TStr& TimerNm) { TimerH.GetDat(TimerNm).Stop(); }
00422         void StopTimer(const int& TimerId) { TimerH[TimerId].Stop(); }
00423     // reset
00424     void ResetAll();
00425     void ResetTimer(const TStr& TimerNm) { TimerH.GetDat(TimerNm).Reset(false); }
00426     void ResetTimer(const int& TimerId) { TimerH[TimerId].Reset(false); }
00427         // report
00428         double GetTimerSumSec() const;
00429         double GetTimerSec(const int& TimerId) const;
00430         void PrintReport(const TStr& ProfileNm = "") const;
00431 };
00434 // Timer
00435 class TTmTimer {
00436 private:
00437     int MxMSecs; 
00438     TTmStopWatch StopWatch;
00440     UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TTmTimer);
00441 public:
00442     TTmTimer(const int& _MxMSecs): MxMSecs(_MxMSecs), StopWatch(true) { }
00444     // restarts the timer from 0
00445     void Restart() { StopWatch.Reset(true); }
00446     // returns true if the time has ran out
00447     bool IsTimeUp() const { return (StopWatch.GetMSecInt() > MxMSecs); }
00448 };