SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00002 // Loading and saving graphs from/to various file formats.
00003 namespace TSnap {
00006 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadEdgeList(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId=0, const int& DstColId=1);
00008 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadEdgeList(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId, const char& Separator);
00010 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadEdgeListStr(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId=0, const int& DstColId=1);
00012 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadEdgeListStr(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId, TStrHash<TInt>& StrToNIdH);
00014 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadConnList(const TStr& InFNm);
00016 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadConnListStr(const TStr& InFNm, TStrHash<TInt>& StrToNIdH);
00021 template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadPajek(const TStr& InFNm);
00023 PNGraph LoadDyNet(const TStr& FNm);
00025 TVec<PNGraph> LoadDyNetGraphV(const TStr& FNm);
00027 //TODO: Sparse/Dense adjacency matrix which values we threshold at Thresh to obtain an adjacency matrix.
00028 //template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadAdjMtx(const TStr& FNm, const int Thresh);
00029 //TODO: Load from a GML file format (
00030 //template <class PGraph> PGraph LoadGml(const TStr& FNm, const int Thresh);
00034 template <class PGraph> void SaveEdgeList(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc=TStr());
00036 template <class PGraph> void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm);
00038 template <class PGraph> void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH);
00040 template <class PGraph> void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH);
00042 template <class PGraph> void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH, const TIntStrH& EIdColorH);
00044 template <class PGraph> void SaveMatlabSparseMtx(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm);
00049 template<class PGraph> void SaveGViz(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc=TStr(), const bool& NodeLabels=false, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH=TIntStrH());
00054 template<class PGraph> void SaveGViz(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH);
00056 //TODO:  Save to a GML file format (
00057 //template <class PGraph> SaveGml(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc);
00060 // Implementation
00067 template <class PGraph>
00068 PGraph LoadEdgeList(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId) {
00069   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfWhiteSep, true, true, true);
00070   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00071   int SrcNId, DstNId;
00072   while (Ss.Next()) {
00073     if (! Ss.GetInt(SrcColId, SrcNId) || ! Ss.GetInt(DstColId, DstNId)) { continue; }
00074     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00075     if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00076     Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00077   }
00078   Graph->Defrag();
00079   return Graph;
00080 }
00087 template <class PGraph>
00088 PGraph LoadEdgeList(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId, const char& Separator) {
00089   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, Separator);
00090   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00091   int SrcNId, DstNId;
00092   while (Ss.Next()) {
00093     if (! Ss.GetInt(SrcColId, SrcNId) || ! Ss.GetInt(DstColId, DstNId)) { continue; }
00094     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00095     if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00096     Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00097   }
00098   Graph->Defrag();
00099   return Graph;
00100 }
00108 template <class PGraph>
00109 PGraph LoadEdgeListStr(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId) {
00110   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfWhiteSep);
00111   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00112   TStrHash<TInt> StrToNIdH(Mega(1), true); // hash-table mapping strings to integer node ids
00113   while (Ss.Next()) {
00114     const int SrcNId = StrToNIdH.AddKey(Ss[SrcColId]);
00115     const int DstNId = StrToNIdH.AddKey(Ss[DstColId]);
00116     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00117     if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00118     Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00119   }
00120   Graph->Defrag();
00121   return Graph;
00122 }
00131 template <class PGraph>
00132 PGraph LoadEdgeListStr(const TStr& InFNm, const int& SrcColId, const int& DstColId, TStrHash<TInt>& StrToNIdH) {
00133   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfWhiteSep);
00134   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00135   while (Ss.Next()) {
00136     const int SrcNId = StrToNIdH.AddKey(Ss[SrcColId]);
00137     const int DstNId = StrToNIdH.AddKey(Ss[DstColId]);
00138     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00139     if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00140     Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00141   }
00142   Graph->Defrag();
00143   return Graph;
00144 }
00151 template <class PGraph>
00152 PGraph LoadConnList(const TStr& InFNm) {
00153   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfWhiteSep, true, true, true);
00154   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00155   while (Ss.Next()) {
00156     if (! Ss.IsInt(0)) { continue; }
00157     const int SrcNId = Ss.GetInt(0);
00158     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00159     for (int dst = 1; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) {
00160       const int DstNId = Ss.GetInt(dst);
00161       if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00162       Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00163     }
00164   }
00165   Graph->Defrag();
00166   return Graph;
00167 }
00175 template <class PGraph> 
00176 PGraph LoadConnListStr(const TStr& InFNm, TStrHash<TInt>& StrToNIdH) {
00177   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfWhiteSep, true, true, true);
00178   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00179   while (Ss.Next()) {
00180     const int SrcNId = StrToNIdH.AddDatId(Ss[0]);
00181     if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
00182     for (int dst = 1; dst < Ss.Len(); dst++) {
00183       const int DstNId = StrToNIdH.AddDatId(Ss[dst]);
00184       if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
00185       Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
00186     }
00187   }
00188   Graph->Defrag();
00189   return Graph;
00190 }
00192 template <class PGraph>
00193 PGraph LoadPajek(const TStr& InFNm) {
00194   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00195   TSsParser Ss(InFNm, ssfSpaceSep, true, true, true);
00196   while ((Ss.Len()==0 || strstr(Ss[0], "*vertices") == NULL) && ! Ss.Eof()) {
00197     Ss.Next();  Ss.ToLc(); }
00198   // nodes
00199   bool EdgeList = true;
00200   EAssert(strstr(Ss[0], "*vertices") != NULL);
00201   while (Ss.Next()) {
00202     Ss.ToLc();
00203     if (Ss.Len()>0 && Ss[0][0] == '%') { continue; } // comment
00204     if (strstr(Ss[0], "*arcslist")!=NULL || strstr(Ss[0],"*edgeslist")!=NULL) { EdgeList=false; break; } 
00205     if (strstr(Ss[0], "*arcs")!=NULL || strstr(Ss[0],"*edges")!=NULL) { break; } // arcs are directed, edges are undirected
00206     Graph->AddNode(Ss.GetInt(0));
00207   }
00208   // edges
00209   while (Ss.Next()) {
00210     if (Ss.Len()>0 && Ss[0][0] == '%') { continue; } // comment
00211     if (Ss.Len()>0 && Ss[0][0] == '*') { break; }
00212     if (EdgeList) {
00213       // <source> <destination> <weight>
00214       if (Ss.Len() >= 3 && Ss.IsInt(0) && Ss.IsInt(1)) {
00215         Graph->AddEdge(Ss.GetInt(0), Ss.GetInt(1)); }
00216     } else {
00217       // <source> <destination1> <destination2> <destination3> ...
00218       const int SrcNId = Ss.GetInt(0);
00219       for (int i = 1; i < Ss.Len(); i++) {
00220         Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, Ss.GetInt(i)); }
00221     }
00222   }
00223   return Graph;
00224 }
00226 template <class PGraph>
00227 void SaveEdgeList(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc) {
00228   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00229   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) { fprintf(F, "# Directed graph: %s \n", OutFNm.CStr()); } 
00230   else { fprintf(F, "# Undirected graph (each unordered pair of nodes is saved once): %s\n", OutFNm.CStr()); }
00231   if (! Desc.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", Desc.CStr()); }
00232   fprintf(F, "# Nodes: %d Edges: %d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
00233   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) { fprintf(F, "# FromNodeId\tToNodeId\n"); }
00234   else { fprintf(F, "# NodeId\tNodeId\n"); }
00235   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI ei = Graph->BegEI(); ei < Graph->EndEI(); ei++) {
00236     fprintf(F, "%d\t%d\n", ei.GetSrcNId(), ei.GetDstNId());
00237   }
00238   fclose(F);
00239 }
00241 template <class PGraph>
00242 void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm) {
00243   TIntH NIdToIdH(Graph->GetNodes(), true);
00244   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00245   fprintf(F, "*Vertices %d\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00246   int i = 0;
00247   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, i++) {
00248     fprintf(F, "%d  \"%d\" ic Red fos 10\n", i+1, NI.GetId()); // ic: internal color, fos: font size
00249     NIdToIdH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), i+1);
00250   }
00251   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) {
00252     fprintf(F, "*Arcs %d\n", Graph->GetEdges()); } // arcs are directed, edges are undirected
00253   else {
00254     fprintf(F, "*Edges %d\n", Graph->GetEdges());
00255   }
00256   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
00257     const int SrcNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId());
00258     const int DstNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId());
00259     fprintf(F, "%d %d %d c Black\n", SrcNId, DstNId, 1); // width=1
00260   }
00261   fclose(F);
00262 }
00266 template <class PGraph>
00267 void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH) {
00268   TIntH NIdToIdH(Graph->GetNodes(), true);
00269   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00270   fprintf(F, "*Vertices %d\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00271   int i = 0;
00272   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, i++) {
00273     fprintf(F, "%d  \"%d\" ic %s fos 10\n", i+1, NI.GetId(),
00274       NIdColorH.IsKey(NI.GetId()) ? NIdColorH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr() : "Red");
00275     NIdToIdH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), i+1);
00276   }
00277   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) {
00278     fprintf(F, "*Arcs %d\n", Graph->GetEdges()); } // arcs are directed, edges are undirected
00279   else {
00280     fprintf(F, "*Edges %d\n", Graph->GetEdges());
00281   }
00282   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
00283     const int SrcNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId());
00284     const int DstNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId());
00285     fprintf(F, "%d %d %d c Black\n", SrcNId, DstNId, 1);
00286   }
00287   fclose(F);
00288 }
00293 template <class PGraph>
00294 void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH) {
00295   TIntH NIdToIdH(Graph->GetNodes(), true);
00296   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00297   fprintf(F, "*Vertices %d\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00298   int i = 0;
00299   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, i++) {
00300     fprintf(F, "%d  \"%s\" ic %s fos 10\n", i+1,
00301       NIdLabelH.IsKey(NI.GetId()) ? NIdLabelH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr() : TStr::Fmt("%d", NI.GetId()).CStr(),
00302       NIdColorH.IsKey(NI.GetId()) ? NIdColorH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr() : "Red");
00303     NIdToIdH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), i+1);
00304   }
00305   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) {
00306     fprintf(F, "*Arcs %d\n", Graph->GetEdges()); } // arcs are directed, edges are undirected
00307   else {
00308     fprintf(F, "*Edges %d\n", Graph->GetEdges());
00309   }
00310   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
00311     const int SrcNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId());
00312     const int DstNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId());
00313     fprintf(F, "%d %d %d c Black\n", SrcNId, DstNId, 1);
00314   }
00315   fclose(F);
00316 }
00322 template <class PGraph>
00323 void SavePajek(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH, const TIntStrH& EIdColorH) {
00324   CAssert(HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfMultiGraph)); // network needs to have edge ids
00325   TIntH NIdToIdH(Graph->GetNodes(), true);
00326   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00327   fprintf(F, "*Vertices %d\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00328   int i = 0;
00329   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, i++) {
00330     fprintf(F, "%d  \"%s\" ic %s fos 10\n", i+1,
00331       NIdLabelH.IsKey(NI.GetId()) ? NIdLabelH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr() : TStr::Fmt("%d", NI.GetId()).CStr(),
00332       NIdColorH.IsKey(NI.GetId()) ? NIdColorH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr() : "Red");
00333     NIdToIdH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), i+1);
00334   }
00335   if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected)) {
00336     fprintf(F, "*Arcs %d\n", Graph->GetEdges()); } // arcs are directed, edges are undirected
00337   else {
00338     fprintf(F, "*Edges %d\n", Graph->GetEdges());
00339   }
00340   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
00341     const int SrcNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetSrcNId());
00342     const int DstNId = NIdToIdH.GetDat(EI.GetDstNId());
00343     fprintf(F, "%d %d 1 c %s\n", SrcNId, DstNId, 1,
00344       EIdColorH.IsKey(EI.GetId()) ? EIdColorH.GetDat(EI.GetId()).CStr() : "Black");
00345   }
00346   fclose(F);
00347 }
00350 template <class PGraph>
00351 void SaveMatlabSparseMtx(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm) {
00352   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00353   TIntSet NIdSet(Graph->GetNodes()); // so that
00354   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00355     NIdSet.AddKey(NI.GetId());
00356   }
00357   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
00358     const int Src = NIdSet.GetKeyId(EI.GetSrcNId())+1;
00359     const int Dst = NIdSet.GetKeyId(EI.GetDstNId())+1;
00360     fprintf(F, "%d\t%d\t1\n", Src, Dst);
00361     if (! HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected) && Src!=Dst) {
00362       fprintf(F, "%d\t%d\t1\n", Dst, Src);
00363     }
00364   }
00365   fclose(F);
00366 }
00368 template<class PGraph>
00369 void SaveGViz(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const bool& NodeLabels, const TIntStrH& NIdColorH) {
00370   const bool IsDir = HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, gfDirected);
00371   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00372   if (! Desc.Empty()) fprintf(F, "/*****\n%s\n*****/\n\n", Desc.CStr());
00373   if (IsDir) { fprintf(F, "digraph G {\n"); } else { fprintf(F, "graph G {\n"); }
00374   fprintf(F, "  graph [splines=false overlap=false]\n"); //size=\"12,10\" ratio=fill
00375   // node  [width=0.3, height=0.3, label=\"\", style=filled, color=black]
00376   // node  [shape=box, width=0.3, height=0.3, label=\"\", style=filled, fillcolor=red]
00377   fprintf(F, "  node  [shape=ellipse, width=0.3, height=0.3%s]\n", NodeLabels?"":", label=\"\"");
00378   // node colors
00379   //for (int i = 0; i < NIdColorH.Len(); i++) {
00380   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00381     if (NIdColorH.IsKey(NI.GetId())) {
00382       fprintf(F, "  %d [style=filled, fillcolor=\"%s\"];\n", NI.GetId(), NIdColorH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr()); }
00383     else {
00384       fprintf(F, "  %d ;\n", NI.GetId());
00385     }
00386   }
00387   // edges
00388   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00389     if (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 && NI.GetInDeg()==0 && !NIdColorH.IsKey(NI.GetId())) {
00390       fprintf(F, "%d;\n", NI.GetId()); }
00391     else {
00392       for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
00393         if (! IsDir && NI.GetId() > NI.GetOutNId(e)) { continue; }
00394         fprintf(F, "  %d %s %d;\n", NI.GetId(), IsDir?"->":"--", NI.GetOutNId(e));
00395       }
00396     }
00397   }
00398   if (! Desc.Empty()) {
00399     fprintf(F, "  label = \"\\n%s\\n\";", Desc.CStr());
00400     fprintf(F, "  fontsize=24;\n");
00401   }
00402   fprintf(F, "}\n");
00403   fclose(F);
00404 }
00406 template<class PGraph>
00407 void SaveGViz(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc, const TIntStrH& NIdLabelH) {
00408   const bool IsDir = Graph->HasFlag(gfDirected);
00409   FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00410   if (! Desc.Empty()) fprintf(F, "/*****\n%s\n*****/\n\n", Desc.CStr());
00411   if (IsDir) { fprintf(F, "digraph G {\n"); } else { fprintf(F, "graph G {\n"); }
00412   fprintf(F, "  graph [splines=true overlap=false]\n"); //size=\"12,10\" ratio=fill
00413   fprintf(F, "  node  [shape=ellipse, width=0.3, height=0.3]\n");
00414   // node colors
00415   //for (int i = 0; i < NodeLabelH.Len(); i++) {
00416   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00417     fprintf(F, "  %d [label=\"%s\"];\n", NI.GetId(), NIdLabelH.GetDat(NI.GetId()).CStr());
00418 }
00419   // edges
00420   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00421     if (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 && NI.GetInDeg()==0 && ! NIdLabelH.IsKey(NI.GetId())) {
00422       fprintf(F, "%d;\n", NI.GetId()); }
00423     else {
00424       for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
00425         if (! IsDir && NI.GetId() > NI.GetOutNId(e)) { continue; }
00426         fprintf(F, "  %d %s %d;\n", NI.GetId(), IsDir?"->":"--", NI.GetOutNId(e));
00427       }
00428     }
00429   }
00430   if (! Desc.Empty()) {
00431     fprintf(F, "  label = \"\\n%s\\n\";", Desc.CStr());
00432     fprintf(F, "  fontsize=24;\n");
00433   }
00434   fprintf(F, "}\n");
00435   fclose(F);
00436 }
00438 } // namespace TSnap