SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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TVec< TVal > Member List
This is the complete list of members for TVec< TVal >, including all inherited members.
Add()TVec< TVal > [inline]
Add(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Add(const TVal &Val, const int &ResizeLen)TVec< TVal > [inline]
AddBackSorted(const TVal &Val, const bool &Asc)TVec< TVal >
AddMerged(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
AddSorted(const TVal &Val, const bool &Asc=true, const int &_MxVals=-1)TVec< TVal >
AddUnique(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
AddV(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
AddVMerged(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
AdjustHeap(const int &First, int HoleIdx, const int &Len, TVal Val, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
BegI() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
BSort(const int &MnLValN, const int &MxRValN, const bool &Asc)TVec< TVal >
BSortCmp(TIter BI, TIter EI, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1)TVec< TVal >
Count(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal >
Del(const int &ValN)TVec< TVal >
Del(const int &MnValN, const int &MxValN)TVec< TVal >
DelAll(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
DelIfIn(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
DelLast()TVec< TVal > [inline]
Diff(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
Diff(const TVec< TVal > &ValV, TVec< TVal > &DstValV) const TVec< TVal >
Empty() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
EndI() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Gen(const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Gen(const int &_MxVals, const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
GenExt(TVal *_ValT, const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetAddDat(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetDat(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetI(const int &ValN) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetMemUsed() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetMxValN() const TVec< TVal >
GetPivotValN(const int &LValN, const int &RValN) const TVec< TVal >
GetPivotValNCmp(const TIter &BI, const TIter &EI, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetPrimHashCd() const TVec< TVal >
GetSecHashCd() const TVec< TVal >
GetSubValV(const int &BValN, const int &EValN, TVec< TVal > &ValV) const TVec< TVal >
GetV(const TVal &Val1)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4, const TVal &Val5)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4, const TVal &Val5, const TVal &Val6)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4, const TVal &Val5, const TVal &Val6, const TVal &Val7)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4, const TVal &Val5, const TVal &Val6, const TVal &Val7, const TVal &Val8)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetV(const TVal &Val1, const TVal &Val2, const TVal &Val3, const TVal &Val4, const TVal &Val5, const TVal &Val6, const TVal &Val7, const TVal &Val8, const TVal &Val9)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
GetVal(const int &ValN) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetVal(const int &ValN)TVec< TVal > [inline]
GetXOutOfBoundsErrMsg(const int &ValN) const TVec< TVal > [protected]
Ins(const int &ValN, const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
Intrs(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
Intrs(const TVec< TVal > &ValV, TVec< TVal > &DstValV) const TVec< TVal >
IntrsLen(const TVec< TVal > &ValV) const TVec< TVal >
IsExt() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
IsIn(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
IsIn(const TVal &Val, int &ValN) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
IsInBin(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
ISort(const int &MnLValN, const int &MxRValN, const bool &Asc)TVec< TVal >
ISortCmp(TIter BI, TIter EI, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
IsSorted(const bool &Asc=true) const TVec< TVal >
IsSortedCmp(const TCmp &Cmp) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Last() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Last()TVec< TVal > [inline]
LastLast() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
LastLast()TVec< TVal > [inline]
LastValN() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Len() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Load(TSIn &SIn)TVec< TVal >
LoadXml(const PXmlTok &XmlTok, const TStr &Nm="")TVec< TVal >
MakeHeap()TVec< TVal > [inline]
MakeHeap(const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
MakeHeap(const int &First, const int &Len, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Merge()TVec< TVal >
Minus(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
Minus(const TVec< TVal > &ValV, TVec< TVal > &DstValV) const TVec< TVal >
MoveFrom(TVec< TVal > &Vec)TVec< TVal >
MxValsTVec< TVal > [protected]
NextPerm()TVec< TVal >
operator+(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal > [inline]
operator<(const TVec< TVal > &Vec) const TVec< TVal >
operator=(const TVec< TVal > &Vec)TVec< TVal >
operator==(const TVec< TVal > &Vec) const TVec< TVal >
operator[](const int &ValN) const TVec< TVal > [inline]
operator[](const int &ValN)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Pack()TVec< TVal >
Partition(const int &MnLValN, const int &MxRValN, const bool &Asc)TVec< TVal >
PartitionCmp(TIter BI, TIter EI, const TVal Pivot, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
PopHeap()TVec< TVal > [inline]
PopHeap(const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
PrevPerm()TVec< TVal >
PushHeap(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal > [inline]
PushHeap(const TVal &Val, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
PushHeap(const int &First, int HoleIdx, const int &Top, TVal Val, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
PutAll(const TVal &Val)TVec< TVal >
QSort(const int &MnLValN, const int &MxRValN, const bool &Asc)TVec< TVal >
QSortCmp(TIter BI, TIter EI, const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
Reserve(const int &_MxVals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Reserve(const int &_MxVals, const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Reserved() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Resize(const int &_MxVals=-1)TVec< TVal > [protected]
Reverse()TVec< TVal >
Reverse(int First, int Last)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Save(TSOut &SOut) const TVec< TVal >
SaveXml(TSOut &SOut, const TStr &Nm) const TVec< TVal >
SearchBack(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal >
SearchBin(const TVal &Val) const TVec< TVal >
SearchBin(const TVal &Val, int &InsValN) const TVec< TVal >
SearchForw(const TVal &Val, const int &BValN=0) const TVec< TVal >
SearchVForw(const TVec< TVal > &ValV, const int &BValN=0) const TVec< TVal >
Shuffle(TRnd &Rnd)TVec< TVal >
Sort(const bool &Asc=true)TVec< TVal >
SortCmp(const TCmp &Cmp)TVec< TVal > [inline]
Swap(TVec< TVal > &Vec)TVec< TVal >
Swap(const int &ValN1, const int &ValN2)TVec< TVal > [inline]
SwapI(TIter LVal, TIter RVal)TVec< TVal > [inline, static]
TIter typedefTVec< TVal >
TopHeap() const TVec< TVal > [inline]
Trunc(const int &_Vals=-1)TVec< TVal >
TVec()TVec< TVal > [inline]
TVec(const TVec &Vec)TVec< TVal >
TVec(const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline, explicit]
TVec(const int &_MxVals, const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline]
TVec(TVal *_ValT, const int &_Vals)TVec< TVal > [inline, explicit]
TVec(TSIn &SIn)TVec< TVal > [inline, explicit]
Union(const TVec< TVal > &ValV)TVec< TVal >
Union(const TVec< TVal > &ValV, TVec< TVal > &DstValV) const TVec< TVal >
ValsTVec< TVal > [protected]
ValTTVec< TVal > [protected]
~TVec()TVec< TVal > [inline]