SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
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00002 // Property-Tag
00003 typedef enum {
00004   ptUndef, ptBool, ptInt, ptFlt, ptStr, ptValV, ptSel, ptSet} TPpTagVal;
00006 class TPpTag{
00007 public:
00008   static TStr GetStr(const int& Tag);
00009   static TPpTagVal GetTag(const TStr& Str);
00010   static TPpTagVal LoadTxt(TILx& Lx){
00011     return GetTag(Lx.GetIdStr());}
00012   static void SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx, const TInt& Tag){SaveTxt(Lx, int(Tag));}
00013   static void SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx, const int& Tag){
00014     Lx.PutIdStr(GetStr(Tag));}
00015 };
00018 // Property-Value
00019 class TPpVal{
00020 private:
00021   TInt Tag;
00022   TBool Bool; TInt Int; TFlt Flt; TStr Str; TVec<TPpVal> ValV;
00023 public:
00024   TPpVal(): Tag(ptUndef){}
00025   TPpVal(const TPpVal& PpVal): Tag(PpVal.Tag), Bool(PpVal.Bool),
00026     Int(PpVal.Int), Flt(PpVal.Flt), Str(PpVal.Str), ValV(PpVal.ValV){}
00027   TPpVal(const bool& b): Tag(ptBool), Bool(b){}
00028   TPpVal(const TBool& b): Tag(ptBool), Bool(b){}
00029   TPpVal(const int& _Int): Tag(ptInt), Int(_Int){}
00030   TPpVal(const TInt& _Int): Tag(ptInt), Int(_Int){}
00031   TPpVal(const double& _Flt): Tag(ptFlt), Flt(_Flt){}
00032   TPpVal(const TFlt& _Flt): Tag(ptFlt), Flt(_Flt){}
00033   TPpVal(const TStr& _Str): Tag(ptStr), Str(_Str){}
00034   TPpVal(const char* CStr): Tag(ptStr), Str(TStr(CStr)){}
00035   TPpVal(const TVec<TPpVal>& _ValV): Tag(ptValV), ValV(_ValV){}
00036   TPpVal(TSIn& SIn):
00037     Tag(SIn), Bool(SIn), Int(SIn), Flt(SIn), Str(SIn), ValV(SIn){}
00038   void Save(TSOut& SOut){
00039     Tag.Save(SOut); Bool.Save(SOut); Int.Save(SOut);
00040     Flt.Save(SOut); Str.Save(SOut); ValV.Save(SOut);}
00042   TPpVal& operator=(const TPpVal& PpVal){
00043     Tag=PpVal.Tag; Bool=PpVal.Bool; Int=PpVal.Int;
00044     Flt=PpVal.Flt; Str=PpVal.Str; ValV=PpVal.ValV; return *this;}
00045   bool operator==(const TPpVal& PpVal) const;
00046   bool operator<(const TPpVal& PpVal) const {
00047     if ((Tag==PpVal.Tag)&&(int(Tag)==ptInt)){return Int<PpVal.Int;}
00048     else if ((Tag==PpVal.Tag)&&(int(Tag)==ptFlt)){return Flt<PpVal.Flt;}
00049     else {Fail; return false;}}
00051   int GetTag() const {return (int)Tag;}
00052   TBool GetBool() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptBool); return Bool;}
00053   TInt GetInt() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptInt); return Int;}
00054   TFlt GetFlt() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptFlt); return Flt;}
00055   TStr GetStr() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptStr); return Str;}
00056   TVec<TPpVal> GetValV() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptValV); return ValV;}
00058   TStr GetValStr(const bool& DoAddTag=false) const;
00059   static TPpVal LoadTxt(TILx& Lx);
00060   void SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx) const;
00061 };
00062 typedef TVec<TPpVal> TPpValV;
00065 // Property
00066 class TPp;
00067 typedef TPt<TPp> PPp;
00068 typedef TVec<PPp> TPpV;
00070 class TPp{
00071 private:
00072   TCRef CRef;
00073 private:
00074   static TStr PpNm;
00075 private:
00076   TStr IdNm, UcIdNm, DescNm;
00077   TInt Tag, ValVTag;
00078   TPpVal Val, DfVal;
00079   TPpVal MnVal, MxVal;
00080   TPpValV CcValV;
00081   TPpV PpV;
00082   void IAssertSubPp() const {IAssert((int(Tag)==ptSel)||(int(Tag)==ptSet));}
00083   int GetPpN(const TStr& IdNm) const;
00084   void GetChA(const int& Lev, const bool& Brief, TChA& ChA) const;
00085 public:
00086   TPp():
00087     IdNm(), UcIdNm(), DescNm(),
00088     Tag(ptUndef), ValVTag(),
00089     Val(), DfVal(), MnVal(), MxVal(),
00090     CcValV(), PpV(){}
00091   TPp(const TPp& Pp):
00092     IdNm(Pp.IdNm), UcIdNm(Pp.IdNm.GetUc()), DescNm(Pp.DescNm),
00093     Tag(Pp.Tag), ValVTag(Pp.ValVTag),
00094     Val(Pp.Val), DfVal(Pp.DfVal), MnVal(Pp.MnVal), MxVal(Pp.MxVal),
00095     CcValV(Pp.CcValV), PpV(Pp.PpV){}
00096   TPp(const TStr& _IdNm, const TStr& _DescNm,
00097    const TPpTagVal& _Tag=ptUndef, const TPpTagVal& _ValVTag=ptUndef):
00098     IdNm(_IdNm), UcIdNm(_IdNm.GetUc()), DescNm(_DescNm),
00099     Tag(_Tag), ValVTag(_ValVTag),
00100     Val(), DfVal(), MnVal(), MxVal(),
00101     CcValV(), PpV(){IAssert(int(ValVTag)!=ptValV);}
00102   TPp(TSIn& SIn):
00103     IdNm(SIn), UcIdNm(SIn), DescNm(SIn),
00104     Tag(SIn), ValVTag(SIn),
00105     Val(SIn), DfVal(SIn), MnVal(SIn), MxVal(SIn),
00106     CcValV(SIn), PpV(SIn){}
00107   static PPp Load(TSIn& SIn){return new TPp(SIn);}
00108   void Save(TSOut& SOut){
00109     IdNm.Save(SOut); UcIdNm.Save(SOut); DescNm.Save(SOut);
00110     Tag.Save(SOut); ValVTag.Save(SOut);
00111     Val.Save(SOut); DfVal.Save(SOut); MnVal.Save(SOut); MxVal.Save(SOut);
00112     CcValV.Save(SOut); PpV.Save(SOut);}
00114   TPp& operator=(const TPp& Pp){
00115     if (this!=&Pp){
00116       IdNm=Pp.IdNm; UcIdNm=Pp.UcIdNm; DescNm=Pp.DescNm;
00117       Tag=Pp.Tag; ValVTag=Pp.ValVTag;
00118       Val=Pp.Val; DfVal=Pp.DfVal; MnVal=Pp.MnVal; MxVal=Pp.MxVal;
00119       CcValV=Pp.CcValV; PpV=Pp.PpV;}
00120     return *this;}
00122   // basic operations
00123   TStr GetIdNm() const {return IdNm;}
00124   TStr GetUcIdNm() const {return UcIdNm;}
00125   TStr GetDescNm() const {return DescNm;}
00126   int GetTag() const {return Tag;}
00127   int GetValVTag() const {return ValVTag;}
00128   void PutVal(const TPpVal& _Val);
00129   TPpVal GetVal() const {if (Val==TPpVal()){return DfVal;} else {return Val;}}
00131   // property definition
00132   void PutDfVal(const TPpVal& _DfVal){PutVal(_DfVal); DfVal=Val;}
00133   TPpVal GetDfVal() const {return DfVal;}
00134   void PutMnMxVal(const TPpVal& _MnVal, const TPpVal& _MxVal){
00135     IAssert((int(Tag)==ptInt)||(int(Tag)==ptFlt));
00136     IAssert((Tag==_MnVal.GetTag())&&(Tag==_MxVal.GetTag()));
00137     MnVal=_MnVal; MxVal=_MxVal;}
00138   TPpVal GetMnVal() const {IAssert((int(Tag)==ptInt)||(int(Tag)==ptFlt)); return MnVal;}
00139   TPpVal GetMxVal() const {IAssert((int(Tag)==ptInt)||(int(Tag)==ptFlt)); return MxVal;}
00140   void AddCcVal(const TPpVal& _Val){
00141     IAssert((int(Tag)==ptStr)||(int(Tag)==_Val.GetTag()));
00142     IAssert(CcValV.SearchForw(_Val)==-1); CcValV.Add(_Val);}
00143   void PutCcValV(const TPpValV& CcValV){
00144     for (int CcValN=0; CcValN<CcValV.Len(); CcValN++){AddCcVal(CcValV[CcValN]);}}
00145   int GetCcVals() const {IAssert(int(Tag)==ptStr); return CcValV.Len();}
00146   TPpVal GetCcVal(const int& CcValN) const {
00147     IAssert(int(Tag)==ptStr); return CcValV[CcValN];}
00149   // property put/get
00150   bool IsPp(const TStr& IdNm) const {IAssertSubPp(); return GetPpN(IdNm)!=-1;}
00151   bool IsPp(const TStr& IdNm, PPp& Pp) const {
00152     IAssertSubPp(); int PpN=GetPpN(IdNm);
00153     if (PpN==-1){return false;} else {Pp=GetPp(PpN); return true;}}
00154   int GetPps() const {IAssertSubPp(); return PpV.Len();}
00155   int AddPp(const PPp& Pp){IAssertSubPp(); return PpV.Add(Pp);}
00156   void AddPpV(const TPpV& PpV){
00157     for (int PpN=0; PpN<PpV.Len(); PpN++){AddPp(PpV[PpN]);}}
00158   PPp GetPp(const int& PpN) const {IAssertSubPp(); return PpV[PpN];}
00159   PPp GetPp(const TStr& IdPath) const;
00160   PPp GetSelPp() const {
00161     IAssert(int(Tag)==ptSel); return GetPp(GetVal().GetStr());}
00163   // add&create property shortcuts
00164   int AddPpInt(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm=TStr()){
00165     PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptInt)); return AddPp(Pp);}
00166   int AddPpInt(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm,
00167    const int& MnVal, const int& MxVal, const int& DfVal){
00168     PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptInt));
00169     Pp->PutMnMxVal(MnVal, MxVal); Pp->PutDfVal(DfVal); return AddPp(Pp);}
00170   int AddPpFlt(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm=TStr()){
00171     PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptFlt)); return AddPp(Pp);}
00172   int AddPpFlt(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm,
00173    const double& MnVal, const double& MxVal, const double& DfVal){
00174     PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptFlt));
00175     Pp->PutMnMxVal(MnVal, MxVal); Pp->PutDfVal(DfVal); return AddPp(Pp);}
00176   int AddPpStr(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm=TStr(), const TStr& DfVal=TStr()){
00177     PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptStr));
00178     Pp->PutDfVal(DfVal); return AddPp(Pp);}
00179   static PPp GetSetPp(const TStr& IdNm, const TStr& DescNm=TStr()){
00180     return PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, ptSet));}
00182   // boolean property put/get shortcuts
00183   void PutValBool(const bool& Val){PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00184   TBool GetValBool() const {return GetVal().GetBool();}
00185   void PutValBool(const TStr& IdPath, const bool& Val){
00186     GetPp(IdPath)->PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00187   TBool GetValBool(const TStr& IdPath) const {
00188     return GetPp(IdPath)->GetVal().GetBool();}
00190   // integer property put/get shortcuts
00191   void PutValInt(const int& Val){PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00192   TInt GetValInt() const {return GetVal().GetInt();}
00193   void PutValInt(const TStr& IdPath, const int& Val){
00194     GetPp(IdPath)->PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00195   TInt GetValInt(const TStr& IdPath) const {
00196     return GetPp(IdPath)->GetVal().GetInt();}
00198   // float property put/get shortcuts
00199   void PutValFlt(const double& Val){PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00200   TFlt GetValFlt() const {return GetVal().GetFlt();}
00201   void PutValFlt(const TStr& IdPath, const double& Val){
00202     GetPp(IdPath)->PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00203   TFlt GetValFlt(const TStr& IdPath) const {
00204     return GetPp(IdPath)->GetVal().GetFlt();}
00206   // string property put/get shortcuts
00207   void PutValStr(const TStr& Val){PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00208   TStr GetValStr() const {return GetVal().GetStr();}
00209   void PutValStr(const TStr& IdPath, const TStr& Val){
00210     GetPp(IdPath)->PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00211   TStr GetValStr(const TStr& IdPath) const {
00212     return GetPp(IdPath)->GetVal().GetStr();}
00214   // value property vector put/get shortcuts
00215   void PutValValV(const TPpValV& Val){PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00216   TPpValV GetValValV() const {return GetVal().GetValV();}
00217   void PutValValV(const TStr& IdPath, const TPpValV& Val){
00218     GetPp(IdPath)->PutVal(TPpVal(Val));}
00219   TPpValV GetValValV(const TStr& IdPath) const {
00220     return GetPp(IdPath)->GetVal().GetValV();}
00222   // string
00223   TStr GetStr(const bool& Brief=true) const {
00224     TChA ChA; GetChA(0, Brief, ChA); return ChA;}
00226   // file
00227   static PPp LoadTxt(const PSIn& SIn){
00228     TILx Lx(SIn, TFSet()|iloCmtAlw|iloSigNum|oloCsSens); return LoadTxt(Lx);}
00229   void SaveTxt(const PSOut& SOut) const {
00230     TOLx Lx(SOut, TFSet()|oloCmtAlw|oloFrcEoln|oloSigNum|oloCsSens); SaveTxt(Lx);}
00231   static PPp LoadTxt(TILx& Lx);
00232   void SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx, const int& Lev=0) const;
00234   friend class TPt<TPp>;
00235 };
00237 inline PPp MkClone(const PPp& Pp){return new TPp(*Pp);}