SNAP Library 4.0, User Reference
2017-07-27 13:18:06
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for TCoda, including all inherited members.
AddCom(const bool IsOut, const int &NID, const int &CID, const double &Val) | TCoda | inline |
AddComIn(const int &NID, const int &CID, const double &Val) | TCoda | inline |
AddComOut(const int &NID, const int &CID, const double &Val) | TCoda | inline |
DelCom(const bool IsOut, const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
DelComIn(const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
DelComOut(const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
DoParallel | TCoda | |
DotProduct(const TIntFltH &UV, const TIntFltH &VV) | TCoda | inline |
DotProductUtoV(const int &UID, const int &VID) | TCoda | inline |
DumpMemberships(const TStr &OutFNm, const TStrHash< TInt > &NodeNameH) | TCoda | inline |
DumpMemberships(const TStr &OutFNm, const TStrHash< TInt > &NodeNameH, const double Thres) | TCoda | |
DumpMemberships(const TStr &OutFNm, const double Thres) | TCoda | |
DumpMemberships(const TStr &OutFNm) | TCoda | inline |
F | TCoda | private |
FindComsByCV(TIntV &ComsV, const double HOFrac=0.2, const int NumThreads=20, const TStr PlotLFNm=TStr(), const int EdgesForCV=100, const double StepAlpha=0.3, const double StepBeta=0.1) | TCoda | |
FindComsByCV(const int NumThreads, const int MaxComs, const int MinComs, const int DivComs, const TStr OutFNm, const int EdgesForCV=100, const double StepAlpha=0.3, const double StepBeta=0.3) | TCoda | |
G | TCoda | private |
GetCmtyS(TIntSet &CmtySOut, TIntSet &CmtySIn, const int CID, const double Thres) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVV(TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVIn, const int MinSz=3) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVV(TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVIn, const double ThresOut, const double ThresIn, const int MinSz=3) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVV(const bool IsOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVV(const bool IsOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV, const double Thres, const int MinSz=3) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVVUnSorted(const bool IsOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV, const double Thres, const int MinSz=3) | TCoda | |
GetCmtyVVUnSorted(TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVOut, TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVIn) | TCoda | |
GetCom(const bool IsOut, const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
GetComIn(const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
GetCommunity(TIntV &CmtyVIn, TIntV &CmtyVOut, const int CID) | TCoda | inline |
GetCommunity(TIntV &CmtyVIn, TIntV &CmtyVOut, const int CID, const double Thres) | TCoda | |
GetComOut(const int &NID, const int &CID) | TCoda | inline |
GetGraph() | TCoda | inline |
GetGraphRawNID() | TCoda | |
GetNIDValH(TIntFltH &NIdValInOutH, TIntFltH &NIdValOutH, TIntFltH &NIdValInH, const int CID, const double Thres) | TCoda | |
GetNonEdgePairScores(TFltIntIntTrV &ScoreV) | TCoda | |
GetNumComs() | TCoda | inline |
GetRegCoef() | TCoda | inline |
GetStepSizeByLineSearch(const bool IsRow, const int UID, const TIntFltH &DeltaV, const TIntFltH &GradV, const double &Alpha, const double &Beta, const int MaxIter=10) | TCoda | |
GetSumVal(const bool IsOut, const int CID) | TCoda | inline |
GetTopCIDs(TIntV &CIdV, const int TopK, const int IsAverage=1, const int MinSz=1) | TCoda | |
GradientForNode(const bool IsRow, const int UID, TIntFltH &GradU, const TIntSet &CIDSet) | TCoda | |
H | TCoda | private |
HOVIDSV | TCoda | private |
Likelihood(const bool DoParallel=false) | TCoda | |
LikelihoodForNode(const bool IsRow, const int UID) | TCoda | |
LikelihoodForNode(const bool IsRow, const int UID, const TIntFltH &FU) | TCoda | |
LikelihoodHoldOut(const bool DoParallel=false) | TCoda | |
Load(TSIn &SIn, const int &RndSeed=0) | TCoda | |
MaxVal | TCoda | |
MinVal | TCoda | |
MLEGradAscent(const double &Thres, const int &MaxIter, const TStr PlotNm, const double StepAlpha=0.3, const double StepBeta=0.1) | TCoda | |
MLEGradAscentParallel(const double &Thres, const int &MaxIter, const int ChunkNum, const int ChunkSize, const TStr PlotNm, const double StepAlpha=0.3, const double StepBeta=0.1) | TCoda | |
MLEGradAscentParallel(const double &Thres, const int &MaxIter, const int ChunkNum, const TStr PlotNm=TStr(), const double StepAlpha=0.3, const double StepBeta=0.1) | TCoda | inline |
NegWgt | TCoda | |
NeighborComInit(const int InitComs) | TCoda | |
NeighborComInit(TFltIntPrV &NIdPhiV, const int InitComs) | TCoda | |
NIDV | TCoda | private |
NodesOk | TCoda | private |
Norm2(const TIntFltH &UV) | TCoda | inline |
NumComs | TCoda | private |
PNoCom | TCoda | |
Prediction(const TIntFltH &FU, const TIntFltH &HV) | TCoda | inline |
Prediction(const int &UID, const int &VID) | TCoda | inline |
RandomInit(const int InitComs) | TCoda | |
RegCoef | TCoda | private |
Rnd | TCoda | private |
Save(TSOut &SOut) | TCoda | |
SetCmtyVV(const TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVOut, const TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVIn) | TCoda | |
SetGraph(const PNGraph &GraphPt) | TCoda | |
SetHoldOut(const double HOFrac) | TCoda | inline |
SetRegCoef(const double _RegCoef) | TCoda | inline |
Sum(const TIntFltH &UV) | TCoda | inline |
SumFV | TCoda | private |
SumHV | TCoda | private |
TCoda(const PNGraph &GraphPt, const int &InitComs, const int RndSeed=0) | TCoda | inline |
TCoda() | TCoda | inline |