SNAP Library , User Reference
2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
CholeskyDecomposition(TFltVV &A, TFltV &p) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
CholeskySolve(const TFltVV &A, const TFltV &p, const TFltV &b, TFltV &x) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
EigSymmetricTridiag(TFltV &d, TFltV &e, int n, TFltVV &z) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
InverseSubstitute(TFltVV &A, const TFltV &p) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
InverseSymetric(TFltVV &A) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
InverseTriagonal(TFltVV &A) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
LUDecomposition(TFltVV &A, TIntV &indx, double &d) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
LUSolve(const TFltVV &A, const TIntV &indx, TFltV &b) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
nrerror(const TStr &error_text) | TNumericalStuff | [private, static] |
pythag(double a, double b) | TNumericalStuff | [private, static] |
sign(double a, double b) | TNumericalStuff | [private, static] |
SolveLinearSystem(TFltVV &A, const TFltV &b, TFltV &x) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
SolveSymetricSystem(TFltVV &A, const TFltV &b, TFltV &x) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |
sqr(double a) | TNumericalStuff | [private, static] |
SymetricToTridiag(TFltVV &a, int n, TFltV &d, TFltV &e) | TNumericalStuff | [static] |